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- Help
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3.1 What do when... (USB- Dataspy) | |
... never data protocoling? |
... only corrupt
data in the protocol? Check your COM- port parameters check COM- number, baud rate, parity, data- and stop bits. The most protocols use no parity and one stopbits. Are you not sure if the baud rate is right then BinTerm can with the USB- Dataspy measure the baud rate - but not the other COM- port parameters. |
... problems on installation
from device driver? You have the USB- device driver installed but the lamp in BinTerm goes not into green then the device driver is assume not correct installed. Check in the system control panel > device manager if the USB- device "MmVisual BinTerm an USB" exists. (The entry exists only if the USB- Dataspy is connected wit your PC). If the device has a yellow exclamation then device driver is faulty installed. Then uninstall this driver with the right mouse button. BinTerm let only the Driver- Installation dialog showing, when the USB- driver files are deleted.At next step, you must delete some files in your Windows- directories: The files: - at Windows 2000 or XP: "%Windir%\inf\BinTermUSB.inf" and "%Windir%\System32\Drivers\BinTermUSB.sys" - at Windows 98 or ME: "%Windir%\inf\BinTerm.inf" and "%Windir%\System32\Drivers\BinTerm.sys" Then start at first BinTerm and reinstall the driver with the install instruction (in 3.2). In Windows 98 it occur, BinTerm cannot copy the device driver on the right position from your Windows system. Then copy the driver file "BinTerm.sys" into "%Windir%/System32/drivers". |
... USB- Dataspy work not
after reconnect to your PC? These status can be, when you disconnect and reconnect the USB- Dataspy. You do reselect the USB-Dataspy in "Communication", but BinTerm cannot connect to the dataspy. I'm sorry, I cannot remove these problem. Windows give me not a correctly connection to the USB device. To generate a possible connection, you must disconnect the USB-Dataspy, select in BinTerm a other "Direction" and press the "Apply" button. Then you must wait for 10 seconds. Just, you can reconnect the USB- Dataspy and choice in BinTerm the "Direction" "from USB-Dataspy". When BinTerm still not can find the USB- Dataspy, then you must disconnect the USB- Dataspy and close the BinTerm- program. After them, you can connect the USB- dataspy und restart BinTerm. When your windows crash with a blue-screen, then you must make the windows-update. |
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