- Help
3. What do when ... | ||
... never data protocoling? |
... only corrupt
data in the protocol? Check your COM- port parameters check COM- number, baud rate, parity, data- and stop bits. The most protocols use no parity and one stop bits. |
... the direction not right
protocoling? |
... on start from the program
BinTerm comes te error "Cannot open COMn "? When after alter the COM- port number to a valid port never data are protocoling, restart the Binterm program. Are nevertheless no data coming in the protocol, so you must remove the Dataspy- Connector and reboot your PC. If on the COM- port is a modem or a other device, the windows system can block the COM- port. |
... not all bytes are correctly
displayed? |
... on close from BinTerm
comes the error: "cannot save the configuration file"? Create a link to BinTerm on your desktop. The directory "Run in" must have the same as "destination". Then the configuration file can BinTerm save in the same directory who is BinTerm.exe. Are you working with newer Windows systems, you must have the rights on these folder. |
... no sound, but the sound
output is activated? Check your control panel > sounds "standard noise" if there is a sound activated. |
... on start comes the exception
EOleSysError? |
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