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  2.1 Adjustment from interfaces:

Without BinTerm  
From PC and SPS: Data are in both directions received and protocoling.
From PC: Protocoling from data, where are from PC- side sent.
From SPS: Protocoling from data, where are from SPS- side sent.
Equal time in two directions: There are receiving data from both directions. Every line is separate going into BinTerm. These connectors support a correct spy in two directions.
Query without Dataspy connector: BinTerm never need hardware. The received data are going from one port through your PC to the other port. With the flow control can you determine the flow lines.
You can protocoling up to 15200 baud.
From RS422 / RS485 The data from RS422/RS485- bus are with the RS485/V24- changer read and in BinTerm protocoling. The changer is connected parallel to the bus- system.
Connection over TCP/IP With these adjustment can all data transfered over TCP/IP into a other BinTerm- program. More for that feature is write in 2.1.1  

From USB- Dataspy

For these function, you need the hardware USB- Dataspy. These Dataspy need only for connection a free USB-Port. BinTerm never net a COM-Port.
Specials you can read on 2.1.2.

The Jumper from the Dataspy "Mini" must you set, how showing in BinTerm!

Interface A / B:
The serial Port, in that the Dataspy is inserted on your PC. Do you use query without dataspy connector, so you must connect the devices directly in your PC.
BinTerm list all connector, how your Windows- System know.

Baudrates are from 300 to 38400 adjustable. Greater baudrates are not possible, then the device Mini-I is protected.
In query without dataspy- connector, you can select up to 115200 baud.
With the option other, you can type a free baudrate in a edit field. It can be, the open from the COM port need more then one second. Can your PC not connect to this baudrate, BinTerm show a error message.
On all connection- options with two serial COM ports can you select different baudrates for the COM ports. The characters, who coming in from the faster port, are member in BinTerm and writing to the slower port.

You can choice databits with 5, 6, 7or 8 width.

You can choice stopbits from 1 or 2. When you use 5 databits, you can choice between 1 and 1,5 stopbits. The UART- Chip from your PC cannot support 2 stopbits on 5 databits!

You can select a Parity between none, even and dd. On using the serial COM- Port from your PC, you can additional use mark and space.

Flow signals:
With the flow control, you can control the flow signals from the serial COM port. When you acktivate this feature, the signals can you set, how you want.
Exception: With the Dataspy "Mini" and the "V24/RS485- connector" must BinTerm control these lines. The USB- Dataspy cannot set these signals.

The hook "Female connector in PC" is on at standard active. Is these option off, so BinTerm think, the data come from the other side and the texts are changed protocoling (you can see it on the color).

Is the option "Sound, if data detected" active, so BinTerm generate a sound for every received byte. Comes more then 20 bytes in the second, then BinTerm deactivate this option.

CTS/DTR- changes:
can BinTerm protocoling, when you have activated query without dataspy connector or using the usb- dataspy.

Log errors:
Errors can you only log with the USB-Dataspy. If these option is active, then all errors go onto the PlugIn. Possible errors for logging:
- [OE] - Overflow Error
- [PE] - Parity Error
- [FE] - Frame Error
- [BI] - Break Interrupt
If a character ist faultly received, BinTerm log at first the error- message, then the one or more characters.

For activating the configuration, you must press the button .
You can close the serial port, when you press the - button.

When you want protocoling the data with different connection parameters (baudrate, databits, stopbits, parity) in both directions at the same time with the Dataspy Connector "Mini", then you need two "Mini" Dataspy Connectors. Open the BinTerm program two times. In the first program, choice the direction "from PC", in the second "from SPS" and select your connection parameters.


