BinTerm - Help
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  2. Configurations:

You can choice the languages German and English. The language can you toggle in "Schnittstelle" on right top.

2.1 Communication:

Here you can choice the parameters and hardware- connections for your Dataspy.
For the serial COM-port can you choice the parameters COM- number, daudrate, databits, stopbits an parity.
Are you waiting for transmission, you can active a sound, when data arrive.
And here are the parameters for connection to a second BinTerm over TCP/IP, LAN and WAN.

2.2 Datachanges:

In Datachanges do you determine how the received characters protocoling. At standard, you can change the bytes into ASC-II, ANSI, OEM- characters, decimal and hex. In a list can you see all characters and choice, witch characters generate a linebreak.

2.3 Logging limitation:
  Here you can cut a data package with select a start- and a stop- byte.

2.4 Time:

In Time you can choice:
- timestamp from every new line
- automatic a line with date and time all xx minutes.
This is useful when you protocoling for a long time.


