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  2.1.1 Broadcasting over TCP/IP:

In the selection TCP/IP gives two operating modes:

The first mode: Normal protocoling- function, but with the feature: Sending the received bytes to a second BinTerm program in with a TCP/IP- Network. In these example, you can see query from PC and SPS and sending over network:

Parameter from BinTerm 1:
Way: from PC and/or SPS or query without dataspy connector.
Choice the hook Send received data to TCP/IP- address, too.
Input the TCP/IP- address from BinTerm 2.
Parameter from BinTerm 2:
Way: choice Connection over TCP/IP. Choice the hook Log data from other BinTerm over TCP/IP.
Input the TCP/IP- address from first BinTerm PC.

The first BinTerm work autonomous. The second BinTerm protocoling the same data like the first. In both BinTerm programs can you use different parameters in the datachange.

The second mode: High distance query - to make a long serial cable.

Parameter in first BinTerm:
Way: Connection over TCP/IP.
Do not choice the hook Log data from other BinTerm over TCP/IP.
Input the TCP/IP- address from BinTerm 2.
Parameter in second BinTerm:
Art: Connection over TCP/IP.
Do not choice the hook Log data from other BinTerm over TCP/IP.
Input the TCP/IP- address from first BinTerm PC.

The first BinTerm read the characters from COM port and send it over TCP/IP- protocol to the second BinTerm on the second PC. The second BinTerm send this data out to the serial COM port. This work so in both directions. Both BinTerm can have different COM port parameters and can protocoling with different parameters in the datachange.

What is TCP/IP, LAN, WAN?
is a internet data protocol. The most network of the world use these protocol to communicate.
LAN is a network in a factory or at home with network cable or wireless system.
WAN is the connection network worldwide (the internet). When you want use a WAN- connection, your PC need a TCP/IP- address from internet. These become you automatic, when you are going with ISDN- or standard modem into the internet. When you have a proxy- server between the internet and your PC, then BinTerm cannot connect right.
The connection from PC to PC can you generate with network cable or modem.

Parameter the first mode:
Parameter in the first BinTerm- program the direction "from PC and/or SPS" or "query without dataspy connector". In the box "TCP/IP- address other PC" set the hook "Send received data to TCP/IP- address, too" and insert the TCP/IP address from the second BinTerm into the "Address" input field.
On the second BinTerm, you must choice the data direction "Connection over TCP/IP". In the box "TCP/IP- address other PC" set the hook "Log data from other BinTerm over TCP/IP" and insert the TCP/IP address from the second BinTerm into the "Address" input field.

Parameter the second mode:
Select on both BinTerm programs the "direction" "Connection over TCP/IP" and set not the hook Log data from other BinTerm over TCP/IP. Additional you must set the TCP/IP-address.

Parameter the TCP/IP- address:
The TCP/IP- address local is the address from your PC and you must insert it in the TCP/IP- address other PC from second BinTerm- program. If you don't know the address, you can find it with the three dot button on your internet.

When you want make a connection over the local network, you must use the network address.
For a connection over internet, you must use the IP- address from your RAS- Connection. In RAS- Connection can you only see a address, when you are connected with a modem or over ISDN into the internet. On a reconnection from your PC into the internet, your PC become a new IP-address!
Near from input field from the TCP/IP- address is a circle lamp. With them, you can see the state from the connection:
red TCP/IP- address input is not correct
gray never need a TCP/IP- connection
yellow There is no connection to the other BinTerm.
green The connection to the other Binterm works fine.

Are the
TCP/IP- address correctly, then BinTerm find the other one self. Goes the lamp not in three seconds to green, then one of the TCP/IP- address is not right or the network connection is bad. Of course, the network TCP/IP- protocol must be installed.

Two BinTerm- programs can connect on the same PC and communicate right. For that work, both programs must have the same TCP/IP- address. With that feature, you can protocoling the same data in two different datachanges. You cannot do that with the second variant.


