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| Adjustment from USB- Dataspy - CAN filter: | |||||||||
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You can only choice "CAN-Bus"
when the query with USB- dataspy and the USB- working mode CAN-bus
is active. It work only with Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP. Register from SJA1000 (PeliCAN): In these group can you all for the communication needed register from Philips CAN- controler SJA1000 adjust. The new adjustment are goninc active with the button ![]() All register must input with hex- values. Normally, BinTerm write the correct values self in these registers. Alle Register and the meaning are write in the datasheet from the chip SJA1000 from Philips. Input in the homepage from Philips the chip- name SJA1000, then the result are all articles from these chip. You can get the datasheet as PDF- document. In the USB- dataspy are 2 quarzes for generating the clock- signal. With these option, you can choice one. The Bus- Timing- Register are competent for generate the baudrate. With set the RS-signal the CAN- transceiver make steeper signal-flank on the CAN- Bus. You should set these signal on greater baudrates as 125KBaud. In Listen Only- Mode give the CAN- controller no answer to all telegrams. The telegrams are passive reading. The Acceptance- Filter- Mode can you set to single or dual- mode. How you can set the register ACR0-3 and AMR0-3, you can read ist in the datasheet from SJA1000. When you use these registers, then the CAN- controller filter telegramms directly. With them, you can relieve the USB- dataspy. Default- values: ACR- register = 00, AMR- register = FF. The table: In the table are calculate the timing and baudrate from selected quarz and Bus- Timing- Register. All calculation- steps can you see. The variables are in the datasheet from SJA1000 used. It is a very useful help for these complex adjustments. The Filter: With the Filter, you can mke a demarcation from all readed telegrams, that are protocoling in BinTerm. The filter is a softwarefilter, it is calculated in the BinTerm program. Adjustment have no effect in the Acceptance- Filter from CAN- Controller. Are Acceptance- Filter set, so both filters are added. Inpu filter from telegram: You can only input HEX- numbers. You have these chances:
The input in acceptet with the return key, then it is write in the filter list. Filter aktiv: If the hook is set, all active filters from the filter list are active. You can only activate this hook, if a filter is in the list. Filter - list: Here you can see all filters. Every single can you with a hook activate and deactivate. Is the hook set, the filter is active. You cannot alter a filter, you must delete it and make a new input. You can delete a filter item with the delete- key. All changes are online active. |
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