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  2.1.4 Adjustment from USB- Dataspy - frequency measure:

These option is active when you have choice query from USB- Dataspy and the operating mode measure frequency is active.
That work only with Windows 98, Me, 2000 and XP.

USB- operating mode measure frequency:
BinTerm detect automatic witch micro controller is included in the USB- Dataspy. You can only use these feature, when you have 8K ram memory. (But all sell Dataspy have these.)
After choice the USB operation measure frequency, BinTerm hide all never used controls.
With the button can you activate the measure frequency.

With a colored circle in the USB- operating box can you see the sate from Dataspy- Connector:
red Cannot find the USB- Dataspy, not correctly connected.
grey No USB- Dataspy required
yellow BinTerm set the USB- Dataspy into work..
green The USB- Dataspy working fine.

The Dataspy can over the four inputs (1) .. (4) the frequency measure. The Dataspy measure all impulses in these time and calculate the frequency.

Pins from the connector, you can use:
1. RS232 (V24) input 1:
Pin 3 clock input TTL, AC voltage, maximum +/- 30 V
Pin 5 GND
2. RS232 (V24) input 2:
Pin 2 clock input TTL, AC voltage, maximum +/- 30 V
Pin 5 GND
3. RS485- input 1:
Pin 1 input A maximum +5 V
Pin 2 input B maximum +5 V
Pin 3 GND
4. RS485- input 2:
Pin 5 input Y maximum +5 V
Pin 4 input Z maximum +5 V
Pin 3 GND

Cycle - duration from measure:
In the input- field cycle can you insert a time, how long the measure should be duration. A measure cycle can be between 1 and 255 seconds.

BinTerm protocoling the frequency after a measure cycle.
The maximum frequency is dependent from the in the USB- Dataspy included chips how change the signals from RS232 / RS485 into TTL- signals. The maximum frequency is 1 MHz, then the micro controller cannot more.

Error display:
"F: OV error" is generated in the BinTerm protocol, if the internal counter has a overflow. You can use a smaller cycle time for the measure, then the error goes away.
Self test- feature form USB- Dataspy:
At every from the new communication parameters, the USB- Dataspy make self test. In these time, the red LED goes for a short time on. When the lamp is flash, the USB- Dataspy has detect an error. BinTerm take a error- Code on your display.
A changing from a input type or cycle time, is directly without press the button Apply active.


