2.2 Adjustment
from data- changes: |
Selection display mode: |
In these dropdown box, you can
choice the display mode. At standard, you can choice the display mode for
datachanges into ASC-II, ANSI, OEM, dez or hex.
With the right mouse button, you can copy a standard- code page or generate
a new empty one. Is the BinTerm configuration file read only, you cannot
alter these selection.
Use the key- words [ASC-II], [ANSI], [OEM], [DEZ] or [HEX] in the description
from your copy. Then BinTerm know from witch type have you generate the
copy. When you alter a character, then BinTerm can paint the item in red
Data change - received characters in the protocol:
All selected characters generate a line break in the protocol.
Is a user defined codepage active, you can alter the characters to display
with double click into the list. There is no limitation for the length
for the displayed character. You can let a character empty, then for these
received code comes no empty in the BinTerm protocol.
Line break if data changes the direction:
If BinTerm detect a other direction, it generate a new line in the protocol.
New line on too long data pause:
If BinTerm receive after the time fom xxx milliseconds a new character,
then BinTerm generate a new line in the protocol.
Limit character count per line to xxx received characters:
With these option do Binterm count the received characters from one line.
If the count is greater as these parameter, BinTerm generate a new line
in the protocol.
Line break character - selected items:
Every received character who is received and is in these list generate a
line break in the protocol. With double click you can remove the entry from
these list.
Text at data from PC-site:
If the option 9 or 10
aktiv then BinTerm write these text into the protocol on data from PC- site.
Text at data from SPS-site:
If the option 9 or 10
active then BinTerm write these text into the protocol on data from SPS-
Type text at line start:
These option show the texts from 7 or 8
on start a new line in the protocol. The showing text is dependent form
the data direction.
Type text at line end:
These option show the texts from 7 or 8
on end from a line in the protocol, when BinTerm generate a line break with
a line break- character (from list 6). The
showing text is dependent form the data direction.
All changes in these
options are immediately effective.
On closing from BinTerm, the parameters are saved in the configuration file.
Changes in the code page (1) and the displayed
characters (2) are immediately saved in the
configuration file.