BinTerm - Help
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1.2 Operating protocol:
In these example, you can see a protocoling in ANSI-format, line break, cyclic time protocoling, hex-format, dez- format with time after line break. Alternate in the configuration are immediately effective.

In the last lines is the limitation from logging active. The selected start character "A" is mark gray. All data from SPS- side are protocoling in red color.
All over the serial port received characters are change with the "data- change" function into visible text and protocoling. All characters received from PC- side are black. The characters these are received from PC- side are red protocoling. A cyclic timestamp is blue in the protocol.
When you want use a part from these protocol, you can mark the text with Ctrl+C into the clipboard from windows. With Ctrl+V can you insert these text into your editor.

Break/go on- button (Pause/Weiter):
With break, you can stop the protocoling. All received characters are deleted. On press go on, the protocoling is going on.

Clear- button (Löschen):
Clear the protocol.

Save- button (Speichern):
Save the protocol into a text- or RTF- File. The RTF- file maintain the color.

Online- log:
With these function, BinTerm log all from serial port received data parallel into a file. BinTerm generate a new file, when you set the hook. On protocoling other programs can read this logfile. The log is so long active as the hook is set. The online-log can you generate a text or as RTF- file. In the RTF- file is the text with color saved.

The Online- log can write the log out on a serial COM- port or a LPT- port. The function is active, when you set as filename [COM1] or [LPT1]. As number from the port can you set 0..9. So, you can print the log online. But there gives some limitations: BinTerm cannot print the color. The end from paper can't BinTerm dedect. When BinTerm send more characters, as the printer can member, the printer lost characters. BinTerm open the serial port allways with 9600 Baud 8N1.
Raw data- log:
With these function, all received characters (but not CAN) are as RAW- Data saved in the protocol. On set the hook BinTerm generate a new file. On protocoling other programs can read this log file. The log is so long active as the hook is set.
These function can generate for ever data direction separate files, when in the filename is the text [AB]. Then the first have become instead [AB] A, the other B on these position from the filename.

Filename from online- and raw data- log:
Files can become automatic the current date and time as filename. For these use, you must insert in the filename the text [DATE] or [TIME] or [DATETIME]. These text must write in uppercase.

Search in the protocol:
Press CTRL+F for insert a string to find something. With F3 can BinTerm find the next string. BinTerm mark the founded string.
Insert comments in the protocol:
You can insert a comment on all places in the protocol. Your comments are write in a other color. Only your write comment can you with delete or backspace clear. You can copy a comment with STRG+C into the clipboard and with STRG+V into the protocol. All comments are never logging in the online- log. You can save it with the "Save" button.

With the help- button or F1- key are open BinTerm the help- file. If BinTerm cannot find the help- file "BinTerm.chm", search in the Internet.
The close- button close the BinTerm- program an save all parameters in the file "BinTerm.ini".


